February 18, 2025
How To Deal With An Addict Parent?

How To Deal With An Addict Parent?

Growing up in a household where one or more adults are used to being alcoholic or a drug addict is certainly problematic.

All of us look at our parents as our caregivers, support system, and mentor. But unfortunately, being a child of an addicted parent can give you lifelong trauma or leave a scar on your personality that you won’t be able to recover from. Having an addicted adult in the home is a major concern, but when that adult is your parent, there’s no parallel to the pain or anxiety you suffer from.

The children of addicted parents, whether growing up or have grown up, are severely affected by their addiction problem. You might be thinking about how you can control their addiction when they’re the ones who have the authority. However, it’s not true. Children can also impact their parents’ lives and help them recover from their addiction if they’ve access to the right resources.

Convincing your parents to start the recovery process comprises some more timely actions to take. Learning how to deal with an addict parent can be difficult, but you’ve to.

Practices That Will Help You In How To Deal With An Addict Parent

1. Switch Roles

With an addicted parent to take care of, your responsibilities are increased manifold. Though you’re a child, you’re supposed to do all house chores, take care of your parent, and even look after your younger siblings. From financial to emotional support, everything becomes your duty. It’s tough, but with others’ support, you can do it.

2. Don’t Blame Yourself

Many of the children think that their behavior may be one of the reasons their parent is inclined towards drug abuse. But it’s not. Even if it is, you can’t turn the clock back. So, instead of thinking that it’s your fault, focus more on finding solutions. Otherwise, it will be hazardous for your mental health.

3. Convince Them To Seek Professional Help

Asking your parent to admit into a rehab center in the first place is never a wise decision. They may come up with excuses, express anger, or deny that they’re abusing a drug. However, it’s necessary to improve their condition. You can get help from a trusted relative, tell your parent about your concerns, and be calm while talking about the treatment.

4. Search For Support Group

Start searching for support groups that offer help to cope with these problems. Having an addicted parent means you’re also more likely to develop addiction sooner or later. It may be due to genes or your declining mental condition. Therefore, to prevent this, you must contact a group where other people are also experiencing the same. You can also find this support group for your parent where they’ll meet peers, get help, and be able to recover from their addiction.

The Impact And Effects Of Drug Addiction On The Entire Family

5. Find Help For Yourself

Sounds strange to find help for yourself when your parents are the one who actually needs? It doesn’t. Living with an addicted parent or parents, as we said, has a considerable impact on your personal life. Everything from your school, work, family, and relationships is severely affected. Moreover, your own physical and mental health is compromised in this scenario. Your whole self is completely divided into various responsibilities to take care of your addicted parent, do well at school or work, grow socially, and make friends. If you’re a kid, it destroys your childhood, and you grow up with low self-esteem, fear, embarrassment, and depression. Even if you’re a grown-up, you can feel their pain. Sometimes you’re guilty and ashamed of introducing them to your coworkers and friends. You’ve become mature when you aren’t ready. That’s why you also need support. Talk to someone you’re comfortable with, whether your friend, teacher, relative or a therapist.


When a parent is an addict, help is needed for both the parent and their children. Why? Because living with addicted adults in the home increases the chances of developing addiction in their children. That’s why you should know how to deal with an addict parent and find help for yourself to stop the cycle. Please check the Ibogaine treatment cost and how does Ibogaine work.